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名古屋052-686-4794 仙台022-218-0560
左のグラフは、大きさの異なる2種類のポリスチレン粒子を混合して、qNanoとDLSで計測した結果です。 DLSでは260.4nmに1つのピークしか検出されませんが、qNanoでは220、380nmにピークを検出できており、高感度なサイズ分布検出を実現しました。
Lin Yang, Murray F. Broom and Ian G. Tucker.
"Characterization of a Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery System Using Scanning Ion Occlusion Sensing"
Pharmaceutical Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11095-012-0788-3, Published Online: May 26, (2012).
Purpose: To explore the application of scanning ion occlusion sensing (SIOS) as a novel technology for characterization of nanoparticles. Methods: Liposomes were employed as model nanoparticles. The size distribution of the liposomes was measured by both SIOS and dynamic light scattering (DLS). Particle number concentration was determined based on particle translocation rate. The ability of SIOS and DLS to resolve bimodal samples was evaluated by measuring a mixture of 217 and 355 nm standard nanoparticles. Opsonization of liposomes by plasma was also studied using SIOS. Results: SIOS was shown to measure the size of different liposomes with higher sensitivity than DLS and it requires a smaller sample volume than DLS. With appropriate calibration, SIOS could be used to determine particle number concentrations. In comparison, SIOS analysis of the mixture showed accurate resolution of the population as a bimodal distribution over a wide range of number ratios of the particles. SIOS could detect plasma opsonization of liposomes by demonstrating a increase in particle size and also changes in the particle translocation rate. Conclusion: SIOS is a useful technology for nanoparticle characterization. It shows some advantages over DLS and is clearly a useful tool for the study of nanoparticle drug delivery systems. KEY WORDS: DLS – liposomes – nanoparticles – opsonization – SIOS
Will Anderson, Darby Kozak, Victoria A. Coleman, Åsa K. Jämting, Matt Trau
"A comparative study of submicron particle sizing platforms: Accuracy, precision and resolution analysis of polydisperse particle size distributions Original Research Article"
▶The accuracy of particle size distribution measurements is technique dependent. ▶The disparity between measurements made by different techniques increases with sample complexity and polydispersity. ▶ Only TRPS and DCS techniques resolved all particles present in complex multimodal samples. ▶PTA and DLS techniques had lower resolution and reported higher polydispersity than truly present in all test samples. ▶All four techniques tested had high repeat measurement precision.
Certificated Mean Diameter 400nm のNIST 標準粒子(ポリスチレン)をTRISバッファーに1000倍希釈したサンプルを5度に渡りqNanoで測定し、再現性が得られるかを検証したデータです。
NP200使用(推奨測定範囲100nm-400nm)、 Voltage: 0.46V/Stretch: 45.42mm/ Pressure 9で測定
左のグラフではリポソームの凍結による安定性を評価したグラフです。 凍結後は凝集により、リポソームのサイズが大きくなり、濃度が減少しています。 qNanoでは高分解能なサイズ分布と濃度の定量化により、凝集解析を行うことが可能です。
d90/d10計量は、サンプルの粒径分布の尺度。値が1に近いほど、単分散であることを示しています。 単分散であったリポソームは、凍結によってアグリゲーション量が増加し、多分散になっていることが分かります。
凍結したリポソームはサイズが大きくなるため、移行時間も長くなる(=チャージが弱い)ことから、リポソームが融合して大きくなるだけでなく、凝集(アグリゲーション)を起こしていることが分かります。 凍結前に比べ、粒子サイズは多分散化し、(=均一性がなくなり、品質としては低下していることが分かります。)
G. Seth Roberts, Sam Yu, Qinglu Zeng, Leslie C.L. Chan, Will Anderson, Aaron H. Colby, Mark W. Grinstaff, Steven Reid, Robert Vogel.
"Tunable Pores for Measuring Concentrations of Synthetic and Biological Nanoparticle Dispersions"
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 31, p. 17-25, Jan 15 (2012).
Scanning ion occlusion sensing (SIOS), a technique that uses a tunable pore to detect the passage of individual nano-scale objects, is applied here for the rapid, accurate and direct measurement of synthetic and biological nanoparticle concentrations. SIOS is able to characterize smaller particles than other direct count techniques such as flow cytometry or Coulter counters, and the direct count avoids approximations such as those necessary for turbidity measurements. Measurements in a model system of 210-710 nm diameter polystyrene particles demonstrate that the event frequency scales linearly with applied pressure and concentration, and that measured concentrations are independent of particle type and size. Both an external-calibration and a calibration-free measurement method are demonstrated. SIOS is then applied to measure concentrations of Baculovirus occlusion bodies, with a diameter of ~1 μm, and the marine photosynthetic cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus, with a diameter of ~600 nm. The determined concentrations agree well with results from counting with microscopy (a 17% difference between the mean concentrations) and flow cytometry (6% difference between the mean concentrations), respectively.
Kozak et al.
"Simultaneous Size and ζ Potential Measurements of Individual Nanoparticles in Dispersion Using Size Tunable Pore Sensors"
ACS Nano, Just Accepted Manuscript DOI: 10.1021 / nn3020322, Published Online: July 18, (2012).
The prospect of characterizing individual nanoparticles, molecules, or DNA base pairs has generated considerable interest in resistive pulse sensing. In addition to size and concentration analysis, this technique also has the capacity to measure the charge density of objects in situations where electrophoretic forces dominate their motion. Here we present a methodology to simultaneously extract, via appropriate theoretical models, the size and ζ-potential of objects from the resistive pulse signal they generate. The methodology was demonstrated using a size-tunable elastic pore sensor to measure a complex "bimodal" suspension composed of two particle sets with different size and charge. Elastically tuning the size of the pore sensor, by stretching the elastic pore membrane, enables a larger sample size range to be analyzed, improves measurement sensitivity, and fine-tunes the forces acting on objects. This methodology represents a new approach for investigating and understanding the fundamental behavior of nanoscale dispersions.
Robert Vogel, Will Anderson, James Eldridge, Ben Glossop, and Geoff Willmott.
"A variable pressure method for characterising nanoparticle surface charge using pore sensors"
Anal. Chem., 2012, 84 (7), pp 3125–3131 DOI: 10.1021 / ac2030915 Publication Date (Web): February 27, 2012
A novel method using resistive pulse sensors for electrokinetic surface charge measurements of nanoparticles is presented. This method involves recording the particle blockade rate while the pressure applied across a pore sensor is varied. This applied pressure acts in a direction which opposes transport due to the combination of electro-osmosis, electrophoresis, and inherent pressure. The blockade rate reaches a minimum when the velocity of nanoparticles in the vicinity of the pore approaches zero, and the forces on typical nanoparticles are in equilibrium. The pressure applied at this minimum rate can be used to calculate the zeta potential of the nanoparticles. The efficacy of this variable pressure method was demonstrated for a range of carboxylated 200 nm polystyrene nanoparticles with different surface charge densities. Results were of the same order as phase analysis light scattering (PALS) measurements. Unlike PALS results, the sequence of increasing zeta potential for different particle types agreed with conductometric titration.
1μm以下の微細な気泡のナノバブルは、気泡を形成しているガスの種類によって、殺菌効果や生理活性作用、DDSなど、今後の産業分野への応用が期待されています。 粒度分布が幅広いナノバブルですが、それらも正確に個数分布を取得する事が可能です。
広島大学 大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 細胞分子生物学研究室
教授 田原 栄俊 様
左のグラフはヒト血清を110,000×g,70 minで超遠心した後に、220nmのフィルターにかけて抽出した細胞外小胞を計測した結果です。
東京大学 大学院 工学系研究科 バイオエンジニアリング専攻
一木 隆範 様
"Quantification of nanosized extracellular membrane vesicles with scanning ion occlusion sensing"
Jeroen de Vrij, Sybren LN Maas, Malisa van Nispen, Miguel Sena-Esteves, Ronald WA Limpens, Abraham J Koster, Sieger Leenstra, Martine L Lamfers, and Marike LD Broekman. NANOMEDICINE, VOL. 8, NO. 9, 2013
Background: Cells secrete different types of membrane vesicles (MVs), which may act as important entities in normal human physiology and in various pathological processes. The established methods for quantification of MVs require purification or preanalytical handling of samples with labeling moieties. Aim: The authors' aim was to develop a method for high-throughput, labeling-free quantification of nonpurified MVs. Materials & methods: Scanning ion occlusion sensing technology, which relies on the detection of particles upon their movement through a nanopore, was investigated for the ability to quantify nanosized MVs (<400 nm) in bodily fluids and cell culture supernatants. Results: Scanning ion occlusion sensing allowed for rapid and easy measurement of the concentration of MVs in all biological fluids tested. Conclusion: Scanning ion occlusion sensing technology enables the quantification of MVs in biological samples without the requirement of MV isolation and/or labeling. This offers a highly valuable addition to the currently used repertoire of MV quantification methods.
Particle diameter (nm)
Mean: 69 ( Std Dev = 12.3 ) / Mode : 66
Maximum : 190 / Minimum : 49
Concentration [40 - 200nm] (particle / ml)
Measured Concentration : 1.57e+11
Row Concentration : 1.57e+13
細胞外小胞抽出キット(qEV / qEV single)を使用することで、ミルクからもインタクトな細胞外小胞を15分で抽出することが可能です。同時にqNanoで測定することで上記のような高分解能な測定が1時間以内に完了します。
Prof.Penny Chisholm
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Civil and Enviromental Engineering
G. Seth Roberts, Sam Yu, Qinglu Zeng, Leslie C.L. Chan, Will Anderson, Aaron H. Colby, Mark W. Grinstaff, Steven Reid, Robert Vogel.
"Tunable Pores for Measuring Concentrations of Synthetic and Biological Nanoparticle Dispersions"
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 31, p. 17-25, Jan 15 (2012).
Scanning ion occlusion sensing (SIOS), a technique that uses a tunable pore to detect the passage of individual nano-scale objects, is applied here for the rapid, accurate and direct measurement of synthetic and biological nanoparticle concentrations. SIOS is able to characterize smaller particles than other direct count techniques such as flow cytometry or Coulter counters, and the direct count avoids approximations such as those necessary for turbidity measurements. Measurements in a model system of 210-710 nm diameter polystyrene particles demonstrate that the event frequency scales linearly with applied pressure and concentration, and that measured concentrations are independent of particle type and size. Both an external-calibration and a calibration-free measurement method are demonstrated. SIOS is then applied to measure concentrations of Baculovirus occlusion bodies, with a diameter of ~1 μm, and the marine photosynthetic cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus, with a diameter of ~600 nm. The determined concentrations agree well with results from counting with microscopy (a 17% difference between the mean concentrations) and flow cytometry (6% difference between the mean concentrations), respectively.
バクテリア計測グラフ:サイズ(nm) vs 濃度グラフ(個数/mL)
左のグラフはqNanoでMethylobacterium sp.(■)とSphingomonas sp.(■)とその混合物(■)をqNanoで計測した結果です。
Robert Vogel, Geoff Willmott, Darby Kozak, G. Seth Roberts, Will Anderson, Linda Groenewegen, Ben Glossop, Anne Barnett, Ali Turner and Matt Trau.
"Quantitative Sizing of Nano/Microparticles with a Tunable Elastomeric Pore Sensor"
The use of a "size-tunable" polyurethane resistive pulse sensor for quantitative sizing of nano- and microparticles is presented. A linear relationship, as first suggested by Maxwell, between particle volume and change in electric resistance across the pore was observed. Particle sizes were quantified for a given size-tunable membrane, by first creating a linear calibration curve to a series of monodisperse carboxylated polystyrene particles of various diameters and then applying this curve to calculate the size of "unknown" nanoparticles. The diameters of a selection of synthetic and biological particles, being PMMA and nonfunctionalized polystyrene particles, along with biological nanoparticles (adenovirus) were calculated using this methodology. Calculated particle diameters and coefficients of variation were shown to be in good agreement with both transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering results.
(上図左)バクテリアのサイズ評価 (上図右)表面電荷の評価電気泳動移動度(ms)
Chung MC, Dean S, Marakasova ES, Nwabueze AO, van Hoek ML. Chitinases Are Negative Regulators of Francisella novicida Biofilms. PLoS One. 2014 Mar 24;9(3):e93119. doi: 10.1371 / journal.pone. 0093119.
Platt, M., Willmott, G. R. and Lee, G. U.
"Resistive Pulse Sensing of Analyte-Induced Multicomponent Rod Aggregation Using Tunable Pores"
Small. doi: 10.1002/smll.201200058, Published Online: May9, (2012).
Resistive pulse sensing is used to monitor individual and aggregated rod-shaped nanoparticles as they move through tunable pores in elastomeric membranes. By comparing particles of similar dimensions, it is demonstrated that the resistive pulse signal of a rod is fundamentally different from that of a sphere. Rods can be distinguished using two measurements: the blockade event magnitude (Δi(p) ), which reveals the particle's size, and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) duration, which relates to the particle's speed and length. While the observed Δi(p) values agree well with simulations, the measured FWHM times are much larger than expected. This increase in dwell time, caused by rods moving through the pore in various orientations, is not observed for spherical particles. These differences are exploited in a new agglutination assay using rod-shaped particles. By controlling the surface chemistry and location of the capture ligand, rods are made to form either long "end-on-end" or wide "side-on" aggregates upon the addition of an analyte. This observation will facilitate multiplexed detection in agglutination assays, as particles with a particular aspect ratio can be distinguished by two measurements. This is first demonstrated with a biotinylated target and avidin capture probe, followed by the detection of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB) using an aptamer capture probe, with limits of detection down to femtomolar levels.